A Remarkable Film that I Remember

Hi, in this blog I will be talking about cinema and of one remarkable film that I remember, if you want to know about it keep reading.

 I think Cinema is amazing cause we can learn from it and have a good time. Cinema had always been a important part of my life cause I had created a lot of good memories in relation to it, since watch the Barbie's movies like a hundred of times with my grandmum on the sofa or stay up late at night with my sister doing a marathon of  all the movies of The Lord of the Rings in extended version till my eyes were all shiny and my head hurts. I really appreciate that times.

We end the marathon looking like this: 

A remarkable film that I remember ? Definitely it have to be The Breakfast Club, this is one of my favorite movies of all times and I enjoy everytime that I see it cause its such a good film. If it is on the tv I stop every thing that I am doing just to sit in front the tv to watch it and dont get up till is finished, my dad always tell me to stop doing that but I can´t.

The Movie was relased on 1985 and its about 5 students on the 80' that end up in detention for different reasons. This young people have different relations with their families and economic situations, they struggle with their own problems judging the others when they don't even know each other by nothing but their names and social status in the school. In the movie they have to share with the others and even when its hard they talk about themselves and open to each other. This movie its gold to understand other peoples without judging them for being themselves. There was the princess,  the brain, the basket case, the athelete and the criminal, they make the breakfast club, a club created on detention while the principale in charge is asking for a essay  being the topic of it "who they think they are".

I don't know why but this movie always makes me cry and laugh at the same time, if you haven't seen it  ...  What are you waiting for? go

2 comentarios:

  1. I also have a lot of good memories with Barbie movies. Nowadays I could watch all these movies many times more

  2. The Breakfast club it's a great movie!


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