My Future Job?

Hello dear readers in today blog I will be talking about my future job. That is a very important topic for me cause I used to be so focus on the future that I usually forgot to live my own present. The topic being almost the center of what I am studying makes kinda easy for me to talk about it now but if I would have had to talk about it two or three years ago I would be speechless cause honestly at that time i didn't have any idea.

My future job -hopefully- its be a Psychologist and that is why I am studying Psychology, I would like to do this cause certain circumstances in my life made me realize that a psichologist can help to save the life of a person and I would like to be capable of that in a future. 

To be a Psichologist you need to be good listener and empatic with other people, be able to understand what the other are trying to say, need to have knowledge on the subject and motivation to help others and keep learning about some importants things that will came in the way. About the rewards that I would like to have in this job  its the satisfaction in help others to keep living their lives the best they can and know that I am doing something honest and valuable for others. I dont know if I will be working as a Psichologist for the rest of my life cause maybe other thing may catch my eye but I know that I will enjoy the time as a Psichologist and that I will save the experience in my heart.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with the skills you mention to be a psychologist


  2. I totally agree with having empathy and I think it should be something that is always present.


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