Changes to my study programme?

Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about the changes that I would like to make on my study programme, but first I'm going to clarify that to me its very difficult to go deep on it because when I chose Psychology as a career I instantly accepted the subjects that I'll be studying for the next five or more years... So make a change on that -for me- its a big deal but don't worry, I will try to do my best.

I am just a second year so its impossible everyone to know everything about how the whole programme really is, I know that I am part of the last generation having this programme and having a new one its the proof that this have a few problems on it. First, we had subjects that were not really related to the career so I would take them out and in those place I will put require courses and subjects that will help the students to write, to express themselfs and search information, subjects that will help them on their education and future. As for the co-curricular activities I dont have any problem because I dont have a job and when I need to do other thing I always find a time to do it so, that doesn't bother me. There are times when the workload its very difficult to deal with in special at the end of semester when you have to study for a test while doing works for another subjects and triying to have your head on both things.
 The infrastructure of the campus its good, I mean its not for another world but in summertime you will find a cold place to sit if you look for it and even if we are very tight in the classroom there isn't a real problem, I know some people who have to deal with a pillar that blocks the view inside the classroom so I'm fine with the structure.

I went to the computer lab like two times and that went good, they worked fine but  I did't have the oportunity to visit the other labs that I know the faculty have and that its a little sad. So to that, I would add a subject taught in the laboratories on second year to get acquainted with them, make the classes more dynamic for the students and professor as equals, less about a board and more about practice. 


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