Postgraduate Studies?

Hello everyone! In  this blog I will be talking about my postgraduate studies, a thing that I see very far away but apparently it is not. It seems like yesterday when I trying to choose the career that I want it.

I am just in second year of Psychology and honestly in the situation that we are I don't even know if I will able to finish the career so it is kinda difficult to think about postgraduate studies when I haven't graduate yet. But if the things go in the way that I want them I would like to take a postgrade in Child Psychology or something similar.

A reason of why I would like to take that its because I've always been surrounded by children, whether they were cousins or neighbors, and I think that they are one of the most mistreated part of our society, with just one look at the SENAME you notice that. The children must be taked care for not abandoned.

I would like to learn about child behavior, that subject had always been something very interesting for me cause I see the children like worlds, they can do amazing things that you didn't even think or relate with them. I would like to take the postgrade in Chile cause I can not see me in other country taking classes, for vacations that ok but for living or study... no thanks. I think part time studies will be perfect, with classroom classes to attend cause the "online" modality it is killing me now. 

I don't really know if at the end I will be taking studies on Child Psychology cause maybe other thing may catch my eye in the future, but now it is what I want so...thanks for reading.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you that children are one of the most mistreated part of our society :/ child development is very important and childhood must be protected

  2. i agree with you that every children is a different world


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